rachel George Cleveland

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ARtist | Lonepalm Pets

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One of the very best gifts I’ve ever received was many years ago—a painting of my absolute best friend in the world, Morgan. 

It was beautiful and piece of art that I had hanging in my bedroom for years. But it wasn’t until I said goodbye to Morgan—my first love, my first baby—while my newly born, two-week-old slept in his crib … that I really stared at that painting for the first time.

It took on a whole new meaning. 

Of course I had thousands of pictures of him, but a piece of ART that had captured him—this portrait—is something that look at and cherish every day.

It made him permanent in some way, important—worthy of a painting. I hope you look at the paintings I do for you in the same way many years from now, and be proud of the memorial you built your friend.

Welcome to my online home. This space was first built to be a portfolio and a place to organize my underwater and travel photography of the last decade. And it has evolved into so much more. This is my creative studio—a place to share my work, offer you my art, and write my stories about travel and home. And like my real home, a place to tweak and renovate—I’m a self-admitted remodelaholic.

My goal here is to provoke nostalgia and dreams of rustling palm fronds. I’ve spent more than half of my life diving the Caribbean and Bahamas—and nearly all of it traveling there and listening to stories of the adventures my parents had during the glory days of island-hopping. It's home to me. 

But so is my permanent home in Auburn, Alabama. Where I am an artist, retired scuba instructor, DIY-er, wife and mama to two fur-babies and two human ones.

Take a click around, and feel free to get in touch. Glad you’ve stopped by.

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